Our students are celebrating today after continuing to make excellent progress in their GCSEs. Yet again the Academy has demonstrated positive progress, which is now an established and continued trend over a number of years.
Students' determination and hard work has paid off with significant improvement in their attainment, especially in the core subjects of English, maths and science.
Top performers at the Academy include twins Tori and Megan Barnes who between them achieved twelve top grades. Karolina Borysiuk excelled in the creative arts, achieving grade 9 in both photography and textiles. Other high achievers were Andrina Pijavcikait who achieved three grade 8s, four 7s and three 6s. Grade 9s go beyond the traditional A* grade and are the highest achievable under the new grading system. These results mean that some Easington students have achieved some of the top 3% of grades in the entire country.
Jane Martin commented: “I am extremely proud of how hard the students and staff have worked this year to achieve another set of fantastic results. The students have shown continued effort over their five years with us which has enabled them to make sustained progress'.
“Staff at Easington Academy always go above and beyond for their students and their hard work continues to make a difference to children in East Durham - for that, I would like to thank them.”