The breadth of the curriculum includes what is taught within each key stage
The balance of the curriculum includes how the provision is tailored to meet the needs of individual learners.
The delivery of the curriculum is the pedagogy and philosophy that underpins the way we work with students.
The ‘hidden’ curriculum refers to the unwritten, unofficial, and often unintended lessons, values, and perspectives that students learn in school. It is the emphasis on ‘cultural capital’ which will provide opportunities and expose students to experiences beyond the taught curriculum. While the “formal” curriculum consists of the courses, lessons, and learning activities students participate in, as well as the knowledge and skills educators intentionally teach to students, the hidden curriculum consists of the unspoken or implicit academic, social, and cultural messages that are communicated to students while they are in school. These are the expectations and beliefs that drive us forward and permeate all that we do. Whilst this an area that evolves and grows, it is something that we also plan, develop and evaluate to ensure that we equip students with the knowledge, skills and attributes to move successfully forward, ensuring they have the widest choices possible when they leave us. We believe our curriculum is ‘broad and balanced' in every sense.
In Key Stage 3, students study English, mathematics, sciences, history, geography, French, Art, Music, Technology, Religious Education, ICT and PE.
In Key Stage 4, students study English, mathematics, sciences, Religious Education and select four option choices. In addition, they all do core PE. All students have the opportunity to achieve 9 or 10 GCSEs depending on the science qualification they are entered for.
Our current Y10 students were able to pick their four options from the following list of subjects:
GCSEs: History; Geography; French; Media; Photography; 3D Art; Art, Craft & Design; Computer Science, Music; RE; PE; Food & Nutrition; Design & Technology.
Vocational Courses: Hospitality and Catering; Sport Studies; Health & Social Care; Engineering; iMedia; Travel & Tourism.
The teaching of all subjects within the curriculum is fully compliant with our duties under the Equality Act 2010 and Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 as exemplified in the NELT Equality and Diversity statement and objectives, the Academy SEND Policy and reported through the SEND Information Report. You can also find more information in our Accessibility Policy.
To find out more about our curriculum, please contact the school office.