
Careers information

Careers education, guidance and advice is an integral part of your child's curriculum and experience at Easington Academy. Alongside our efforts, home support and guidance is critical to help your child make post-16 decisions that are best for them. To support this effort you may find it useful to visit the following websites for post-16 option information.

SEND Careers Provision

At Easington Academy, we are committed to providing comprehensive and tailored careers support for students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) from Year 7 onwards. Our dedicated careers programme ensures that all SEND students receive 1:1 careers guidance meetings, helping them explore their aspirations and plan their future pathways. We offer specialist support during key careers events, activities, and taster days, ensuring accessibility and meaningful engagement. Bespoke guidance is provided during the GCSE options process to help students and their families make informed decisions that align with their strengths and ambitions. As students prepare for post-16 transitions, we offer personalised support, including individual visits to providers where needed, working closely with parents and external agencies to facilitate smooth and confident progression into further education, apprenticeships, or supported employment.

Careers information on Student Pod

Did you know that you can access careers information via Student Pod? Check it out here.

Labour market information

Type the jobs you want to research below for example, 'police officer', to find out key information such as salary and to see how the demand for these jobs might change in the future.

Careers newsletters and 'job of the week' overviews

Information for employers

A key strength of our careers programme is the contribution from local employers and their employees. The meaningful encounters which our students have with employers, colleges, universities, training providers and workplaces bring our careers programme to life.

The Academy has many strong partnerships with a wide range of educational institutions, training providers and employers who contribute to our careers programme through:

  • supporting students understanding of different careers and job roles
  • helping students to understand labour market information
  • raising aspirations and increasing motivation
  • helping students identify educational and occupational goals
  • demonstrating the relevance of the knowledge and skills learnt in subjects to future opportunities in learning and working
  • demonstrating the links between living, learning and earning
  • providing work enrichment opportunities including work experience, workplace visits, guest speakers, curriculum support.

If you feel that you can support our careers programme through any of the following or have any other ideas for how we could work together, we would love to hear from you.

  • Careers insight talks
  • Workplace visits for staff
  • Workplace visits for students
  • Supporting a curriculum area (staff CPD, student masterclasses, supporting a lesson)
  • Work experience placements
  • Mentoring a student
  • Sponsoring an academic award

Please contact our Careers Advisor & Coordinator, Mrs Collins for more information. [email protected]

Please contact Mrs Lou McManus - Careers Lead ([email protected] 0191 5270757 ext 16130) or Mrs Julie-Ann Collins ([email protected]  0191 5270757  ext 16113) for more information.

Information for staff

Gatsby Benchmark 4 - All teachers should link their curriculum to careers.

The International Centre for Guidance Studies found that improving career guidance in secondary schools and colleges can lead to better student outcomes, while also raising aspirations and increasing engagement with education.

By being able to see the relevance of what they are studying in the classroom, students feel more engaged with their learning. Students are able to see the possibilities and progression routes linked to their subjects which can motivate and inspire students. Staff highlighting the relevance of their subject to future careers and opportunities creates social capital for young people with more limited networks.

The links below may provide some useful resources to link careers to your curriculum area.

Please contact Mrs Lou McManus - Careers Lead ([email protected] 0191 5270757 ext 16130) or Mrs Julie-Ann Collins ([email protected]  0191 5270757  ext 16113) for more information.

Useful Links

Gatsby Benchmark 4 | CEC Resource Directory ( - - The Careers and Enterprise Company website hosts a range of BM4 resources for a range of subjects. - Resources for teachers - Careers videos - - Videos and lesson plans (includes pharmacy, health, construction) - Virtual talks including a library of past talks - Connect with volunteers (guest speakers, workplace visits) - careers videos  - examples of BM4 projects

Subject Specific – English, what’s the point? – Health & Social Care, what’s the point? – Science, what’s the point? University of Oxford Department of Science Outreach. - Careers in Science – Stem Learning McDonalds - Food Technology – Music, What’s the point? – Maths, why bother? – Drama, Why bother?

A comprehensive list of websites and resources for each subject area can be found on OneDrive – Careers in the Curriculum: Careers in the Curriculum