Art and photography


Art at Easington Academy aims to introduce pupils to a range of artistic media including drawing and painting, textiles and ceramics, prints and photography.

“Art makes children powerful” (Bob & Roberta Smith, 2003) 

The study of Art, craft and design allows some of the highest forms of human creativity. A high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire, and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art. As pupils progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. They should also know how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity, and wealth of our nation.

Art and design at Easington Academy, leads students on a creative journey though self-expression whilst developing a wealth of knowledge in core skills. Drawing underpins all creative outcomes, with painting, mixed media, digital editing, ceramics, and textiles, experienced by students and developed into outcomes throughout key stages three and four.

We encourage our students to explore visual, tactile, and other sensory experiences to communicate ideas and meanings. They work with traditional and new media, developing confidence, competence, and imagination. We pride ourselves on the variety of specialist resources and ideas from which to develop a wide variety of subject specialist skills. They learn to appreciate and value images and artefacts across times and cultures, and to understand the contexts in which they were made.

Students reflect critically on their own and that of others, judging quality, value and meaning. They learn to think and act as artists, craftspeople, and designers, working creatively, intelligently, and independently. Using the formal elements of art and design, students articulate their thoughts and opinions about artwork from a range of artists, designers and practitioners, and the work of their own and peers with subject-specific terminology.

In key stage three, a wide variety of drawing, painting, mixed media, printmaking, and sculpture allow pupils to explore and develop ideas and design processes whilst learning about divine proportion, pictorial space, colour theory and composition. We will explore a range of materials, techniques and processes including collage, drawing, and painting, 

In key stage four, students are invited to advance upon processes introduced at key stage 3 to develop their confidence and creativity. Specialist disciplines covered at GCSE include photography, ceramics, fine art, and textiles. Specifications delivered at Easington Academy are AQA, GCSE; Art craft and design, Photography and 3D Art and design. 

ART curriculum








Year 7

Art box

Formal Elements

Drawing & Painting


African Art

Evaluating the work of other times and cultures



In the jungle

Tone and texture



In the jungle

Evaluating great artists



In the jungle

Evaluating great artists




Experimenting with media

Drawing & crafts

Year 8

Fruit & Veg

Experimenting with media 


British Landscapes

Recording observations Drawing & Painting


Recording observations in Tone & Texture




Evaluating the work of others



Combining media 

Drawing & painting 



Combining media 

Mixed media & print 


Year 9


Composition & Scale

Drawing & Painting



Shape & form





Shape & form



Pop culture

Exploring media and materials 

Drawing & painting


Pop Culture

Exploring media and materials



Natural forms

Refining art skills



Year 10



Refining skills

Mixed media, ceramics and textiles



Personal journey

Sustained project

Mixed media, ceramics and textiles




Personal journeySustained project

Mixed media, ceramics and textiles



Year 10 


Skills & Principles

Refining skills

Camera skills & dark room

Renewal & Decay

Sustained project


Renewal & Decay

Sustained project

Mixed media

Year 11


Personal journey

Mock exam 


Externally set assignment




Externally set assignment


Year 11 


Personal journey

Mock exam


Externally set assignment


Externally set assignment


I am making progress because of the new and exciting media and the fact we are given time to improve
Year 10 student
I like how although we are all learning the same thing, our sketch books are all unique
Year 7 student