Our lockdown stars for week commencing 8 February 2021...
Year 7
Niamh Walker, Year 7
Nominated by Miss Wright for her excellent knowledge of descriptive language techniques, SPaG and Gothic conventions in English.
Luke Appleby, Year 7
Nominated by Mrs Richardson for showing exceptional kindness and for consistently applying 100% effort in his English lessons. Luke was also nominated by Miss Cullen for consistently working hard throughout this half-term in both History and Geography. Luke has also been incredibly kind and polite each week.
Lily-Ella Down, Year 7
Nominated by Mrs Richardson for applying 100% effort and enthusiasm consistently in her English lessons
Nathan Kirtland, Year 7
Nominated by Miss Jenkins for producing some amazing work relating to the gothic genre. Nathan created an interesting PowerPoint about four canonical gothic texts. Outstanding work Nathan.
Coban Blenkinsopp, Year 7
Nominated by Mrs Davies for excellent work and contribution to the lesson.
Melissa Cansfield, Year 7
Nominated by Mrs Miller for achieving an exceptionally high mark for a key piece of work.
Lexie Brown, Year 7
Nominated by Mrs Miller for achieving an exceptionally high mark for a key piece of work.
Olivia Kelly, Year 7
Nominated by Mrs Miller for achieving an exceptionally high mark for a key piece of work.
Ava Ruddell, Year 7
Nominated by Mrs Miller for achieving an exceptionally high mark for a key piece of work.
Tyler Dowse King, Year 7
Nominated by Mr Potts for continued effort and contributing to question/answer sessions in ICT lessons.
Hanneh Sunter, Year 7
Nominated by Mr Potts for continued effort and contributing to question/answer sessions in ICT lessons.
Chloe Knox, Year 7
Nominated by Mr Potts for continued effort and contributing to question/answer sessions in ICT lessons.
Harriet Barker, Year 7
Nominated by Mr Potts for continued effort and contributing to question/answer sessions in ICT lessons.
Year 8
Summer Longworth, Year 8
Nominated by Mrs Tuck for a score of fabulous score of 95% in her Percentages Key Piece.
Sasha Sharp, Year 8
Nominated by Mrs Tuck for engaging in all her Maths lessons and trying her best to complete all tasks. Sasha was also nominated by Miss Lisgo for being very supportive to others and making a lot of effort in all drawing tasks.
Maddison Bradley, Year 8
Nominated by Mrs Tuck for a score of fabulous score of 100% in her Percentages Key Piece.
Lily Emmerson, Year 8
Nominated by Mrs Tuck for a score of fabulous score of 100% in her Percentages Key Piece.
Jessie Bresnan, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Lisgo for helping others and making so much effort with the tasks.
Demi Gatiss, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Lisgo for using subject language and trying hard with her drawings.
Ellie Curtis, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Lisgo for outstanding work in lessons, particularly the wonderful drawing of the teddy bear.
Evan Atherton, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Doyle for being the Persuasive Devices champion in our English revision quiz.
Daniel Barker, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Doyle for being the Viewpoint Writing champion in our English revision quiz.
Daniel Parish, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Doyle for being the Tier Two Vocabulary champion in our English revision quiz.
Aloma Stokes, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Doyle for being the Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar champion in our English revision quiz.
Kassidy Fenton, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Doyle for always having a positive attitude in English lessons and being supportive of her classmates.
Jak Scholick, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Wood for his excellent piece of Geography homework on river processes. Well done Jak!
Alex Hawkes, Year 8
Nominated by Mr King for three consecutive weeks he has scored 100% in the Joe Wicks quiz. Fantastic work!
Bradley Birks, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Jenkins for being the Kahoot champion. Well done Bradley!
Harris Miller, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Jenkins for being conscientious by seeking to improve his work. Harris produced an excellent speech about fear and effectively used a range of persuasive features. Harris also displays excellent manners which is always lovely to see and hear.
Grace Haswell, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Percival for amazing effort and engagement in English this half-term and for using some super vocabulary!
Cameron Tempest, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Percival for amazing effort and engagement in English this half-term and for using some super vocabulary!
Darcie Lawson, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Percival for amazing effort and engagement in English this half-term and for using some super vocabulary!
Year 9
Lennon Griffiths, Year 9
Nominated by Mrs Tuck for always engaging i and trying his best to complete extension tasks in every session.
Kaiden Watson, Year 9
Nominated by Mrs Tuck for being on time to every lesson, engaging in all tasks and always being positive and resilient. Kaiden was also nominated by Mrs Davies for staying calm when technology was not working and still contributing to the lesson.
Lucas Scott, Year 9
Nominated by Miss Wood for his outstanding improvement in Geography, this has involved good participation in live lessons and producing some brilliant independent work on climate change. Well done Lucas! Lucas was also nominated by Miss Jenkins for engaging with our viewpoint topic - well done for being so enthusiastic and by Mrs Wilkes for demonstrating a more determined approach to his studies. Keep up the hard work Lucas.
Harley Banks Year 9
Nominated by Miss Wright for being the champion of Kahoot in English. Well done Harley!
Harley Promfret Year 9
Nominated by Miss Jenkins for scoring 100% on a persuasive device quiz. Super effort!
Aaron Hall Year 9
Nominated by Miss Jenkins for scoring 100% on a persuasive device quiz. Super effort!
Ella Lormor Year 9
Nominated by Miss Jenkins for scoring 100% on a persuasive device quiz. Super effort!
Matthew Mason, Year 9
Nominated by Mr King. Always first to login and continues to work with enthusiasm.
Ben Syson, Year 9
Nominated by Mrs Wilkes for completing his Everlearner assignment and receiving 72%
Robert Lodge, Year 9
Nominated by Mrs Wilkes for completing his Everlearner assignment and receiving 76%
Eve Wardle, Year 9
Nominated by Miss Cullen for submitting fantastic work in History this week, well done!
Year 10
Leon Stokes, Year 10
Nominated by Mrs Hickman for consistent effort and excellent grammar in French
Holly Oakley, Year 10
Nominated by Mrs Hickman for consistently submitting excellent pieces of work and her use of grammar in French
Luke Baker, Year 10
Nominated by Mrs Hickman for always helping to sort her IT issues out in French lessons.
Erin Usher, Year 10
Nominated by Mrs Richardson for producing an exceptional essay in Media Studies
Rianna Simpson, Year 10
Nominated by Mrs Richardson for showing great improvement in Media Studies. Rianna was also nominated by Miss Percival for her amazing effort in English this half-term and producing some fabulous work!
Charlie-Leigh Kettell, Year 10
Nominated by Mrs Richardson for applying 100% effort this half term in Media Studies
Ella Lowther, Year 10
Nominated by Miss Jenkins for being supportive and lovely to her teacher. Thank you Ella.
Karmen Lowther, Year 10
Nominated by Miss Percival for her amazing effort in English this half-term and producing some fabulous work!
Katie Alcock, Year 10
Nominated by Mrs Nicholson for her amazing David Hockney inspired photomontage work.
Amy Jobson, Year 10
Nominated by Mrs Nicholson for her amazing David Hockney inspired photomontage work.
Bridie Thompson, Year 10
Nominated by Mrs Wilkes for successfully completing and winning the PE lockdown challenge by managing to complete a massive 234 toe taps in a crab position. Well done.
Kelsey Harle, Year 10
Nominated by Mrs Wilkes for completing her health and social work to an excellent standard.
Eloise Greathead, Year 10
Nominated by Mrs Wilkes for completing her health and social work to an excellent standard.
Paige Hammond, Year 10
Nominated by Mrs Wilkes for completing her health and social work to an excellent standard.
Ellie Harrison, Year 10
Nominated by Mrs Wilkes for completing her health and social work to an excellent standard.
Year 11
Abbie Hughes, Year 11
Nominated by Miss Hawkins for consistently producing high quality answers and sounding like an expert.
Joel Hornsby, Year 11
Nominated by Miss Hawkins for engaging brilliantly in tasks and producing high quality answers that include key terminology.
Elliott Scott, Year 11
Nominated by Miss Lisgo for trying hard with each and every task, especially with ideas towards his own still life.
Sammy Luu, Year 11
Nominated by Miss Wood for her exceptional key piece on natural hazards. Well done!
Beau Palmerhodgkinson Year 11
Nominated by Mrs Davies for contributing excellent answers to the lesson and sounding like a Science expert!
Georgia Scott, Year 11
Nominated by Mrs Davies for contributing brilliant answers in the lesson and sounding like a Science expert! Georgia was also nominated by Mrs Nicholson for excellent work responding to an artist.
Ilana Foster, Year 11
Nominated by Mrs Martin for improved effort and engagement in her science lessons
Ryan Briggs, Year 11
Nominated by Mrs Martin for continued effort and contributing to question/answer sessions in science lessons.
Hannah Roberts, Year 11
Nominated by Mrs Martin for a consistently high standard of work submitted in science.
Lily Farrell, Year 11
Nominated by Mrs Martin for engagement in lessons and submitting work on time in science.
Elle McCartney, Year 11
Nominated by Mrs Martin for a consistently high standard of work submitted in science.
Luke Marr, Year 11
Nominated by Mrs Martin for a consistently meeting deadlines and high standards of work submitted in science.
Alfie Cullerton, Year 11
Nominated by Mrs Miller for writing a fabulous response to a key piece of work.
Callum Shipley, Year 11
Nominated by Mr King. Improved engagement in GCSE PE lessons.
James Hutchinson, Year 11
Nominated by Mr King. Good piece of coursework and continued effort in GCSE PE lessons.
Olivia Wright, Year 11
Nominated by Mrs Nicholson for going out of her way to be kind and helpful to other pupils in her art lesson.
Emma Taylor, Year 11
Nominated by Mrs Nicholson for excellent work responding to an artist.
Maisie Cook, Year 11
Nominated by Mrs Nicholson for being helpful during her art lesson.