
26 February 2021

Easington Academy star of the week

Our lockdown stars for the week commencing 22 February 2021...

Year 7

Luke Appleby, Year 7 
Nominated by Miss Barrett for completing the French activities over half-term and producing some incredible croissants. Luke was also nominated by Mrs Richardson for an excellent piece of homework for English. 

Niamh Walker, Year 7 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for coming 1st place in the English Kahoot! quiz – well done! 

Caitlin Wright, Year 7 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for coming 2nd place in the English Kahoot! quiz – well done! 

Emily Mordica, Year 7 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for coming 3rd place in the English Kahoot! quiz – well done! 

Helena Dixon, Year 7 
Nominated by Mrs Miller for excellent work on the language of propaganda. 

Marshall Storey, Year 7 
Nominated by Mrs O’Carroll for a fabulous artists impression of the Mary Rose and  super Mary Rose knowledge. 

Year 8

Jack Appleby, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Barrett for completing the French activities over half-term and producing some incredible croissants. 

Ben Playle, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Barrett for completing the French activities over half-term and producing some incredible croissants. 

Demi Tapping, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for achieving 100% on the Of Mice and Men context quiz in English – well done! 

Isabelle Lumsdon, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for achieving 100% on the Of Mice and Men context quiz in English – well done! 

Molly Coulson, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for achieving 100% on the Of Mice and Men context quiz in English – well done! 

Maddison Bradley, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Wood for trying exceptionally hard on her climate change assessment and producing outstanding written work. Well done Maddison! 

Tilly Brennan, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Percival for her use of amazing vocabulary in her English work!

Year 9

Thomas Maxwell, Year 9
Nominated by Miss Williams for excellent responses in the lesson and answering questions with high quality answers  

Miles Colles, Year 9.
Nominated by Miss Williams for excellent responses in the lesson and answering questions with high quality answers 

Kal Coulthard, Year 9 
Nominated by Miss Williams for excellent responses in the lesson and answering questions with high quality answers 

Aidan Oakes, Year 9 
Nominated by Mrs Keegan and Miss Lilly for OUTSTANDING practical work during the half term and taking on the Vegetarian food challenge. All practical dishes looked OUTSTANDING! Well done Aidan  

Anja Keighley Keeble, Year 9 
Nominated by Miss Lilly for expectational work produced in lessons and continuous engagement and high quality responses during lessons  

Eleanor Woodcock, Year 9 
Nominated by Miss Lilly for expectational work produced in lessons and continuous engagement and high quality responses during lessons 

Anthony Wilkinson, Year 9 
Nominated by Mrs Miller for making excellent contributions in lessons. 

Year 10

Macy Garrett, Year 10  
Nominated by Miss Lisgo for helping others in class and showing her work to the group. Macy was also nominated by Mrs Miller for writing a very impressive essay response to a GCSE Literature question. 

Caitlin Fenton, Year 10  
Nominated by Miss Lisgo for helping others and showing her work in an online gallery 

Paige Hammond, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Lilly for expectational work produced in lessons and continuous engagement and high-quality responses during all Health and Social Care lessons  

Kelsey Harle, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Lilly for expectational work produced in lessons and continuous engagement and high-quality responses during all Health and Social Care lessons  

Eloise Greathead, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Lilly for expectational work produced in lessons and scoring 100% on her quiz! Excellent work Eloise, keep it up! 

Ella Barrow, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for fantastic effort with Media revision over half term. 

Scarlett Marley, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Wood for producing fantastic Geography work on coastal processes including some great diagrams. Well done! 

Rianna Simpson, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Wood for going above and beyond in her work and taking great initiative in her own revision. Well done! 

Oliver Gray, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Jenkins for completing extension tasks on his English homework. 

Olivia Haswell, Year 10 
Nominated by Mrs Miller for writing a very impressive essay response to a GCSE Literature question. 

Emily Longstaff, Year 10 
Nominated by Mrs Miller for writing a very impressive essay response to a GCSE Literature question. 

Erin Rowe, Year 10 
Nominated by Mrs Miller for writing a very impressive essay response to a GCSE Literature question. 

Leon Stoves, Year 10 
Nominated by Mrs Miller for writing a very impressive essay response to a GCSE Literature question. 

Matthew Allison, Year 10
Nominated by Miss Percival for his enthusiasm and great effort in English.

Riana Simpson, Year 10
Nominated by Miss Percival for her amazing and continuous effort in English. Brilliant work!

Year 11

Molly Foster, Year 11
Nominated by Mr O’Carroll for Sociology for consistently producing work of a high standard. 

Jessica Pow, Year 11 
Nominated by Mr O’Carroll for Sociology for consistently producing excellent class work and homework.  

Kyle Barnes, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Williams for excellent effort in his revision over half term  

Sam Norman, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Williams for excellent effort in his revision over half term 

Caitlyn Balmer, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Williams for excellent effort in her revision over half term 

Erin Wilson, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Lilly for outstanding practical work, taking the time to independent practise chosen dishes for her controlled assessment work! Outstanding work Erin! 

Kyi Cannel, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Lilly for exceptional work both in lessons and independent work at home! Keep this up Kyi 

Cameron Tate, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Lilly for continuous engagement in lessons and excellent responses to questions. Keep this up Cameron 

Freya Willis, Year 11 
Nominated by Mr O’Carroll for Sociology for consistently producing excellent class work and homework. Freya was also nominated by Miss Doyle for completing all English revision tasks to an extremely high standard over half term. Brilliant effort! 

Lily Farrell, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for completing all English revision tasks to an extremely high standard over half term. Brilliant effort! 

Madison Cook, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for completing all English revision tasks to an extremely high standard over half term. Brilliant effort! 

Adam Smith, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for fantastic effort with English revision over half term.   

Amy Woods, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for fantastic effort with English revision over half term.   

Elle McCartney, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for fantastic effort with English revision over half term. 

Faith Myers, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for fantastic effort with English revision over half term.   

Brooke Souter, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for fantastic effort with English revision over half term. 

Halle Williamson, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for fantastic effort with English revision over half term. 

Joshua Simpson, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for fantastic effort with English revision over half term. 

Luke Marr, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for fantastic effort with English revision over half term.   

Millie Errington, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for fantastic effort with English revision over half term. 

Leah Gray, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for fantastic effort with English revision over half term. 

Ethan Cooper, Year 11 
Nominated by Mrs O’Carroll for completing all work – every time! 

Joshua Simpson, Year 11 
Nominated by Mr King for an exceptional amount of revision during half term.

Layla Giles, Year 11 
Nominated by Mr King for an exceptional amount of revision during half term.

Bradley Brown, Year 11 
Nominated by Mr King for completing an 'Everlearner' test for GCSE PE revision during half term.

James Hutchinson, Year 11 
Nominated by Mr King for completing an 'Everlearner' test for GCSE PE revision during half term.

Josh Hancill, Year 11 
Nominated by Mr King for completing an 'Everlearner' test for GCSE PE revision during half term.

Thomas Griffths, Year 11 
Nominated by Mr King for completing an 'Everlearner' test for GCSE PE revision during half term.

Lathan Hunter, Year 11
Nominated by Miss Percival for his enthusiasm and great effort in English. Brilliant effort!