Our lockdown stars for the week commencing 25 January...
Year 7
Lily-Ella Down, Year 7
Nominated by Miss Cullen for excellent engagement in Geography lessons and contributing ideas and answers.
Daniel Goodman, Year 7
Nominated by Miss Cullen for fantastic work on grid references in Geography this week.
Alicia Hudson, Year 7
Nominated by Miss Cullen for always engaging in Geography lessons by contributing answers for feedback and sharing her ideas.
Zach Cummings, Year 7
Nominated by Miss Cullen for consistently working hard in Geography, sharing ideas and asking for support when needed.
Corey Putt, Year 7
Nominated by Miss Cullen for excellent work on four and six-figure grid references in Geography this week.
Ethan Jameson, Year 7
Nominated by Mrs O’Carroll for his knowledge of Sikhism
Luke Appleby, Year 7
Nominated by Miss Cullen for consistently working hard in lessons, contributing answers for feedback and always being polite.
Alfie Vargas, Year 7
Nominated by Miss Cullen for excellent work in Geography this week and sharing answers in tasks.
Caitlin Price, Year 7
Nominated by Miss Cullen for fantastic engagement in Geography lessons this week.
Niamh Walker, Year 7
Nominated by Miss Cullen for excellent effort in Geography lessons and always sharing answers in feedback discussions.
Chelsea Temple, Year 7
Nominated by Miss Cullen for consistently engaging in Geography lessons and sharing ideas.
Ashton Davison, Year 7
Nominated by Miss Cullen for fantastic work on four figure grid references in Geography this week.
Curtis Todner, Year 7
Nominated by Miss Cullen for excellent engagement in Geography this week and sharing answers in tasks.
Kenzie Fortune, Year 7
Nominated by Miss Cullen for great work on four figure grid references in Geography this week.
Ella Middleton, Year 7
Nominated by Mrs Miller for writing an impressive horror story in her own time, taking inspiration from her study of the Gothic genre.
Year 8
Jake Parker, Year 8
Nominated by Mrs Morton for always participating in Geography lessons and sharing his ideas.
Phoebe Hall, Year 8
Nominated by Mrs Miller for always being involved in discussions during online lessons and for producing outstanding responses to tasks.
Matthew Crawford, Year 8
Nominated by Mrs Miller for always being involved in discussions during online lessons and for applying a great deal of effort when completing extended writing tasks.
Majus Pijavcikas, Year 8
Nominated by Mrs Miller for achieving the joint highest result in class in a key piece.
Sam Miller, Year 8
Nominated by Mrs Miller for achieving the joint highest result in class in a key piece.
Hope Robinson, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Williams for excellent participation in our Geography lesson and never giving up even when faced with a challenge.
Summer Tait, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Williams for going the extra mile to complete all her work in Geography.
Millie Hubbard, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Williams for going the extra mile to complete all her work in Geography.
Hannah Ross, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Williams for going the extra mile to complete all her work in Geography.
Harris Miller, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Cullen for consistently engaging in History lessons and sharing ideas.
Hannah Summerill, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Cullen for always engaging in History lessons and tutor time. Hannah is always very polite and confident in sharing ideas.
Jak Scholick, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Cullen for fantastic engagement during History and submitting high standard work.
Benjamin Playle, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Cullen for excellent effort in History and sharing answers confidently.
Year 9
Kydon Wales, Year 9
Nominated by Miss Williams for an amazing effort in Geography on his key piece and reading his answer to the class to share his good work.
Matthew Mason, Year 9
Nominated by Mrs Keegan for always giving 100% working hard to stay on track at home and completing the FAKE AWAY challenge to a high standard.
Ava Keegan, Year 9
Nominated by Mrs Keegan for always giving 100% working hard to stay on track at home and completing the FAKE AWAY challenge to a high standard. Ava was also nominated by Miss Cullen for submitting a brilliant essay in History which included some great analysis and by Miss Percival for producing a fantastic persuasive speech to express her viewpoint.
Kal Coulthard, Year 9
Nominated by Miss Cullen for submitting a fantastic essay in History which included analysing interpretations and debates.
Miles Colles, Year 9
Nominated by Miss Cullen for submitting an excellent essay in History which demonstrated his effort and high standard of work.
Milly Betts, Year 9
Nominated by Miss Cullen for excellent work in her History essay which demonstrated excellent analysis of interpretations.
Eve Wardle, Year 9
Nominated by Miss Cullen for submitting a high standard of work from our History lessons.
Amelia Robson, Year 9
Nominated by Miss Cullen for writing an excellent essay for History demonstrating fantastic analysis of interpretations and written argument.
Sarah Laverick, Year 9
Nominated by Miss Cullen for writing an outstanding essay in History which included an interesting and insightful judgement. Sarah was also nominated by Miss Percival for producing an excellent persuasive speech and for continuous engagement in English lessons.
Alisha Stagg, Year 9
Nominated by Miss Wood for excellent effort in Geography this past week, contributing answers and working hard on tasks.
Lexi Watson, Year 9
Nominated by Miss Wood for continuously engaging in Geography, producing brilliantly written work and scoring an excellent score on the end of lesson quiz.
Adarnie Gray, Year 9
Nominated by Miss Wood for efforts during climate change lesson and completing a great key piece
Oscar Leigh, Year 9
Nominated by Miss Wood for high quality independent work and a brilliant key piece
Harley Pomfret, Year 9
Nominated by Miss Wood for submitting independent work of an exceptionally high standard
Sofia Jameson, Year 9
Nominated by Miss Percival for producing a fabulous persuasive speech in English.
Year 10
Coral Jones, Year 10
Nominated by Miss Wood for consistently contributing good answers throughout the lesson.
Bridie Thompson, Year 10
Nominated by Mrs Hickman for much improved engagement in online French lessons.
Aimee Kitson, Year 10
Nominated by Mrs Hickman for amazing use of complex French grammar
Luke Baker, Year 10
Nominated by Mrs Hickman for always producing outstanding work in French.
Robyn Pipe, Year 10
Nominated by Mrs Hickman for excellent contributions to online French lessons and impressive recall of vocabulary.
Macy Garrett, Year 10
Nominated by Mrs Hickman for always completing her French work to an impressive standard.
Adam Thompson, Year 10
Nominated by Mrs Hickman for consistent engagement in online French lessons.
Olivia Hudson, Year 10
Nominated by Mrs Miller for demonstrating a very conscientious attitude towards all aspects of her English studies and for showing notable improvement in language analysis tasks.
Year 11
Emily Turner, Year 11
Nominated by Mrs Morton for always giving 100% effort in all Geography lessons. Emily was also nominated by Mrs O’Carroll for an excellent response on An Inspector Calls.
Oliva Wright, Year 11
Nominated by Mrs Morton for an amazing effort in Geography and always trying her best with the key pieces.
Amber Ellison, Year 11
Nominated by Miss Williams for excellent engagement in our live lessons and participating in class discussions and feedback. Keep up the hard work.
Ethan Cook, Year 11
Nominated by Mrs Miller for showing much-improved engagement and effort in lessons.
Alex Orchid, Year 11
Nominated by Mrs Miller for the commitment he has shown towards improving his essay-writing skills in his own time.
Keira Merrington, Year 11
Nominated by Miss Percival for her excellent effort and engagement in English and for going the extra mile to complete all work.
Makenzie Cummins, Year 11
Nominated by Miss Percival for her excellent effort and engagement in English and for going the extra mile to complete all work.
Mollie Roberts, Year 11
Nominated by Miss Rutherford for her excellent effort and outcomes in key pieces in History
Adam Smith, Year 11
Nominated by Miss Rutherford for his excellent effort and outcomes in key pieces in History
Molly Barnes Tate, Year 11
Nominated by Miss Rutherford for her excellent effort and outcomes in key pieces in History. Molly was also nominated by Mr O’Carroll for producing an exceptional key piece in Sociology.
Jessica Tudball, Year 11
Nominated by Miss Rutherford for her excellent effort and outcomes in key pieces in History
Freya Wills, Year 11
Nominated by Mr O’Carroll for producing an excellent key piece in Sociology.
Jessica Pow, Year 11
Nominated by Mr O’Carroll for producing an excellent key piece in Sociology.
Millie Gibson, Year 11
Nominated by Mr O’Carroll for producing a very good key piece in Sociology.
Jasmine Twist, Year 11
Nominated by Mr O’Carroll for producing a very good key piece in Sociology
Layla Giles, Year 11
Nominated by Mr O’Carroll for producing an excellent key piece in Sociology.
Ethan Cooper, Year 11
Nominated by Mrs O’Carroll for an excellent response on An Inspector Calls
Erin Wilson, Year 11
Nominated by Mrs O’Carroll for an excellent response on An Inspector Calls
Lathan Hunter, Year 11
Nominated by Miss Hawkins for excellent engagement in PE lessons, contributing some brilliant answers throughout.