
5 February 2021

Our lockdown stars for the week commencing 1 February 2021...

Easington Academy star of the week

Our lockdown stars for the week commencing 1 February 2021...

Year 7

Matthew Delanoy, Year 7 
Nominated by Mrs Pounder for always being willing to engage in discussion and sharing his work with the class. Keep it up and well done! Matthew was also nominated by Miss Hill for his consistent engagement in science lessons and producing high quality work and Miss Wilson for contribution in lessons and sharing his ideas with the group.

Ethan Jameson, Year 7 
Nominated by Mrs Tuck for completing all tasks in every lesson last Friday and completing a Gaudi-inspired mosaic to a high standard. Well done! 

Kalicky Scott, Year 7 
Nominated by Mrs Tuck for always engaging in every lesson and making valuable contributions to shared discussion. Well done! 

Jessi Hewitson, Year 7  
Nominated by Miss Barrett for always being willing to share his work and ideas in French- très bien! 

Luke Appleby, Year 7  
Nominated by Miss Barrett for producing a well-written and informative paragraph about school in French. Fantastique! Luke was also nominated by Miss Kemp for consistently completing their maths work to a very high standard, for contributing to class discussions and always striving to improve and by Miss Lisgo for producing an amazing drawing and trying really hard.

Melissa Cansfield, Year 7 
Nominated by Miss Barrett for completing an outstanding key piece on school subjects in French. Fantastique Melissa! 

Olivia Kelly, Year 7  
Nominated by Miss Barrett for remembering all of her French vocabulary. Excellent Olivia! 

Lexie Brown, Year 7 
Nominated by Miss Barrett for consistently contributing excellent ideas and answers to class discussions. Très bien Lexie! 

Stephany Campos Silva, Year 7 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for using impressive vocabulary in English lessons.   

Emily Mordica, Year 7 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for always sharing fantastic ideas in English lessons and consistently challenging herself. 

Niamh Walker, Year 7 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for always sharing fantastic ideas in English lessons and consistently challenging herself. Niamh was also nominated by Miss Hill for completing her science work to a high standard and for consistent engagement in class.

Chelsea Temple, Year 7 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for always sharing fantastic ideas in English lessons and consistently challenging herself. 

Leon Wright, Year 7 
Nominated by Mr King for achieving 100% in a recent forms quiz- Joe Wicks 

Mya English, Year 7  
Nominated by Miss Lisgo for outstanding work at home, brilliant tonal observation of a tropical leaf. 

Sophie Drage, Year 7 
Nominated by Mrs O’Carroll for being the Romeo and Juliet Kahoot Queen! 

Chloe Wilson, Year 7 
Nominated by Mrs Byers to say well done on an excellent key piece of work in maths. You showed all of your working out, your calculations are correct, and your work is neat and tidy. Fantastic effort. Chloe was also nominated by Miss Jenkins for winning the Kahoot quiz and by Mr Potts for all of her contributions to the questions in the lesson and participation in the use of Spiral. Well done Chloe! 

Nathan Kirtland, Year 7 
Nominated by Miss Jenkins for winning the Kahoot quiz. Well done Nathan! 

Joseph Short, Year 7 
Nominated by Miss Jenkins for crafting some lovely sentences using dashes. Joseph was also nominated by Mrs Byers to say well done on an excellent key piece of work in maths. You showed all of your working out, your calculations are correct, and your work is neat and tidy. Great job! 

Sophie Tudball, Year 7 
Nominated by Mrs Davies for all of her contributions to the lesson and her hard work in the tasks. Well done! Sophie was also nominated by Miss Hill for always engaging in science lessons and producing high quality work. 

Hannah Sunter, Year 7 
Nominated by Mrs Davies for all of her contributions to the questions in the lesson and imaginative ideas about how to sample a field full of daisies. Well done! 

Chloe Breeze, Year 7 
Nominated by Mr Potts for all of her contributions to the questions in the lesson and participation in the use of Spiral - Well done! 

Devinn Benton, Year 7 
Nominated by Mr Potts for all of his contributions to the questions in the lesson and participation in the use of Spiral - Well done! 

Amelia Wood, Year 7 
Nominated by Mr Potts for all of her contributions to the questions in the lesson and participation in the use of Spiral - Well done! 

Carter Jackson, Year 7 
Nominated by Miss Hill for always being enthusiastic in science lessons and contributing different ideas in the chat. Carter was also nominated by Miss Wilson for completing all work to a high standard and contributing facts he knows about the topic to help the rest of the class.

Lauren Potts, Year 7  
Nominated by Miss Wilson for excellent answers during lessons and always completing work to a high standard 

Helena Dixon, Year 7  
Nominated by Miss Wilson for excellent written work and putting a lot of time and effort into the independent learning 

Year 8

Jamie Laidlaw, Year 8 
Nominated by Mrs Pounder for superb and impressive vocabulary choices. I’m impressed with the effort being made to improve this skill. Well done, Jamie! 

Grace Barnes, Year 8 
Nominated by Mrs Miller for her positive attitude towards work and for completing all tasks to a high standard. 

Demi Gattis, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Jenkins for always being kind and considerate and trying her best to work independently.  

Bradley Birks, Year 8  
Nominated by Mrs Tuck for showing great improvement calculating fractions. Well done! 

Adam Ball, Year 8
Nominated by Mrs Tuck for engaging really well and being a multiplication superstar! Adam was also nominated by Miss Wood for trying exceptionally hard during his independent work on erosional processes.  

Emily Betts, Year 8
Nominated by Mrs Tuck for trying her hardest with challenging tasks and showing great improvement. Well done! Emily was also nominated by Miss Hill for sending a great summary of all of the genetic conditions she has learned about in science. 

Amy Applegarth, Year 8 
Nominated by Mrs Davies for an exceptional piece of work on the pros and cons of using stem cells in Science. Well done! 

Cameron Tempest, Year 8 
Nominated by Mrs Davies for an informative newspaper article on the pros and cons of stem cells in Science. Well done! 

Tilly Brennan, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Hardie for excellent teamwork researching selective breeding. Well done! 

Grace Haswell, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Hardie for excellent teamwork researching selective breeding. Well done! 

Thomas Mole, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Hardie for excellent teamwork researching selective breeding. Well done! 

Mollie Booth, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Hardie for excellent teamwork researching selective breeding. Well done! 

Jak Scholick, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Hargreaves for submitting an excellent drawing of a bear, capturing the texture of the fur perfectly and for going above and beyond creating his own fantastic painting. 

Hannah Summerill, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Romaniuk for submitting many of her own song lyrics that she has been writing at home. 

Layla Rose Whitmore, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Romaniuk for excellent contribution to Popular Music lesson. 

Kassidy Fenton, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Romaniuk for excellent contribution to Popular Music lesson. 

Lennon Kirkham, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Romaniuk for excellent contribution to Popular Music lesson. 

Marcus McGloen, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Romaniuk for excellent contribution to Popular Music lesson. 

Phoebe Benson, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Romaniuk for excellent contribution to Popular Music lesson. 

Jake Anderson, Year 8 
Nominated by Mr King for achieving 100% in a recent forms quiz- Joe Wicks 

Alex Hawkes, Year 8 
Nominated by Mr King for achieving 100% in a recent forms quiz- Joe Wicks 

Tyler Jones, Year 8 
Nominated by Mr King for achieving 100% in a recent forms quiz- Joe Wicks 

Maddison Bradley, Year 8 
Nominated by Mrs O’Carroll for not giving up. Maddison was also nominated by Miss Hill for emailing all of the work she had completed during science this week. 

Abigail Fraser, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Kemp for consistently completing their maths work to a very high standard, for contributing to class discussions and always challenging herself.  

Lewis Green, Year 8  
Nominated by Miss Lisgo for effort and a positive attitude 

Katie Brown, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Smith for her thoughtful responses in class, always thinking outside the box and contributing well in lessons. 

Demi Gatiss, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Hill for sending a great summary of all of the genetic conditions she has learned about in science. 

Molly Coulson, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for displaying a conscientious attitude to her work and making sure everything she produces is of the highest quality. 

Phoebe Hall, Year 8  
Nominated by Miss Wilson for excellent engagement in lessons and always contributing ideas  

Sophie Kitchin, Year 8  
Nominated by Miss Wilson for excellent engagement and answers in lesson 

Year 9

Summer Clark, Year 9 
Nominated by Mrs Tuck for showing resilience when faced with challenging tasks and always trying her best. Well done! 

Keira Fleetham, Year 9 
Nominated by Miss Barrett for trying extremely hard in French this week and contributing lots of answers to the discussion- très bien! 

Kayla Graham, Year 9 
Nominated by Miss Barrett for producing an excellent paragraph about her town in French. Très bien Kayla! 

Kal Coulthard, Year 9  
Nominated by Miss Barrett for producing an outstanding paragraph about his town in French. Fantastique Kal! Kal was also nominated by Mr Hutton for consistently high standards of work, effort and knowledge in GCSE PE.

Alisha Carr, Year 9 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for recalling an impressive number of media terms and consistently making valuable contributions to Media lessons. 

Logan Anderson, Year 9 
Nominated by Miss Lilly for engaged in online lessons this week in Food preparation and Nutrition! Well done Logan, keep this up! 

Finlee Gibbons, Year 9 
Nominated by Miss Wood for continuous outstanding effort in class discussions.  

Thomas Jeffery, Year 9 
For showing great improvement in independent work and contributing great ideas throughout the lesson. 

Finlay Foster, Year 9 
Nominated by Mr Hutton for excellent effort in GCSE PE lessons and core PE activities. 

Ava Keegan, Year 9 
Nominated by Mr King for achieving 100% in a recent forms quiz- Joe Wicks cycle 1 day 5. 

Sadie Bridges, Year 9 
Nominated by Mr King for achieving 90% in a recent forms quiz- Joe Wicks cycle 1 day 5. 

Alfie Wolfe, Year 9 
Nominated by Mr King for achieving 90% in a recent forms quiz- Joe Wicks cycle 1 day 5. 

Matthew Mason, Year 9  
Nominated by Mr King Fantastic effort in all OCR sports lesson. All work completed to a good standard and is always polite and well-mannered in the Team's chat. 

Leighton Laverick, Year 9  
Nominated by Mr King Fantastic effort in all OCR sports lesson. All work completed to a very good standard and is always prepared to go that extra mile to complete his work. 

Bekk Foster, Year 9 
Nominated by Mr King Fantastic effort in all OCR sports lesson. All work completed to a very good standard and is always strives to win all quizzes (AKA speedy Bekk). 

Year 10

Ellie Wise, Year 10 
Nominated by Mrs Miller for achieving 100% (60/60) in a recent assessment and for striving to achieve her very best every lesson. 

Franchesca Nichols, Year 10 
Nominated by Mrs Miller for achieving 100% (60/60) in a recent assessment and for striving to achieve her very best every lesson. 

Nathan Cook, Year 10 
Nominated by Mrs Miller for achieving 100% (60/60) in a recent assessment and for striving to achieve his very best every lesson. 

Ella Barrow, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Barrett for producing a beautifully written and grammatically perfect paragraph on a past holiday in French- excellent Ella! Ella was also nominated by Miss Jenkins for always being conscientious and submitting drafts of analysis work.  

Amber Luke, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Barrett for trying really hard in French over the past couple of weeks and voluntarily contributing answers to the class discussions. Très bien Amber! 

Paige Hammond, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Lilly for producing outstanding work for Health and Social Care and consistent contributions in lessons. 

Scarlett Marley, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Lilly for producing outstanding work in Health and Social Care on the importance of health care services   

Matthew Allison, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Wood for trying extremely hard during the lesson on uneven development and producing written work of a really high quality 

Owen Brightwell, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Wood for completing a great analysis of class resources and making good contributions throughout the lesson. 

Lillie Canning, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Wood for submitting work of the highest standard on causes of uneven development. 

Oliver Gray, Year 10
Nominated by Miss Jenkins for always being conscientious and submitting drafts of analysis work. 

Millie Haswell, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Jenkins for always being conscientious and submitting drafts of analysis work. Millie was also nominated by Mrs Davies for showing a very mature and conscientious attitude to her work by asking for feedback on how she can progress and by Miss Wilson for excellent answers during our Kahoot quiz on Islam.

Lewis Carr, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for making excellent progress in Media Studies and producing some fantastic work. 

Emily Dance, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for consistently working to a high standard in Media Studies. 

Emily Longstaff, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for consistently working to a high standard in Media Studies. 

Luke Baker, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Lisgo for being so kind and helpful to others.

Eloise Greathead, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Kemp for consistently completing their maths work to a very high standard and always challenging herself.  

Karmen Lowther, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Smith for consistently producing excellent work in science lessons – well done! 

Anja McNaney, Year 10 
Headteacher’s Award-nominated by Mrs Hickman. Renewed enthusiasm for learning. 

Teigan Carr, Year 10 
Nominated by Mrs Wilkes for completing the PE lockdown challenge with the highest score. Well done Teigan for achieving 106 squats!! 

Ella Lowther, Year 10 
Nominated by Mrs Wilkes for an excellent piece of descriptive writing for the journey of a red blood cell for GCSE PE 

Ellie-May Harrison, Year 10 
Nominated by Mrs Wilkes for consistently producing good quality work within her Health and Social lessons 

Eloise Greathead, Year 10 
Nominated by Mrs Wilkes for consistently producing good quality work within her Health and Social lessons 

Shay Thomson, Year 10  
Nominated by Miss Wilson for trying hard in every lesson and focussing on each task 

Year 11

Amy Woods, Year 11 
Nominated by Mr O’Carroll for consistently producing classwork and homework of a very good standard. 

Anna Robson, Year 11 
Nominated by Mr O’Carroll for producing an excellent piece of homework on stratification. Anna was also nominated by Miss Doyle for writing a fantastic essay in English. 

Ilana Foster, Year 11 
Nominated by Mr O’Carroll for producing a very good piece of homework on stratification. 

Molly Barnes Tate, Year 11 
Nominated by Mr O’Carroll for producing an outstanding evaluation of the Functionalist perspective. 

Georgia Scott, Year 11 
Nominated by Mr Collins for superb English Lit essays and independent focus. 

Kyi Cannell, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Lilly for producing high-quality pieces of controlled assessment and independent work throughout. Kyi was also nominated by by Mrs O’Carroll for acting on feedback given on recent work.

Chloe Wetherall, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Romaniuk for improving her GCSE Music appraising work through determination and trying practise questions again.  

Joshua Simpson, Year 11 
Nominated by Mr King Completed his coursework before the deadline, attended his intervention/revision session after school and emailed me for more guidance on areas of weakness, so he could revise independently. Joshua was also nominated by Miss Doyle for writing a fantastic essay in English. 

Freya Willis, Year 11 
Nominated by Mr King Constantly emailing for help and support with her coursework which was submitted on time. Very conscientious and striving to exceed a level 6. 

Layla Giles, Year 11 
Nominated by Mr King Continues to work extremely hard and is certainly putting the hours in to complete her coursework. 

Megan Heppell, Year 11 
Nominated by Mr King Fantastic piece of coursework which was handed in on time.  

Aaron Wilkinson, Year 11 
Nominated by Mr King Worked very hard to submit a great piece of coursework. 

Bradley Brown, Year 11 
Nominated by Mr King for achieving 100% in a recent forms quiz- Joe Wicks 

Charlie Upperton, Year 11 
Nominated by Mr King for achieving 100% in a recent forms quiz- Joe Wicks 

Madison Cook, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for writing a fantastic essay in English. 

Jamie Robson, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for writing a fantastic essay in English. 

Adam Smith, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for writing a fantastic essay in English. Adam was also nominated by Mrs Martin for consistently high standards in science and excellent maths skills.

Halle Williamson, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Doyle for writing a fantastic essay in English. 

Jasmine Dawes, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Lisgo for continually working hard and refusing to give up even then things don’t go as planned.  

Jack Saiger, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Lisgo for effort with challenging drawings. Jack was also nominated by Miss Kemp for consistently completing their maths work to a high standard and always striving to improve. 

Anete Andrejsone, Year 11 
Nominated by Mrs Martin for consistently high standards in science and excellent maths skills 

Harvey Young, Year 11 
Nominated by Mrs Martin for consistently high standards in every science lesson and homework 

Jasmine Twist, Year 11 
Nominated by Mrs Martin for consistently high standards in science and continued effort 

Emily Lucas Dunn, Year 11 
Nominated by Mrs Martin for consistently high standards in science and continued effort. Emily was also nominated by Miss Wood for contributing great ideas in class discussions and scoring 100% on coastal processes quiz. 

Tia Donley, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Kemp for consistently completing their maths work to a high standard and always striving to improve. 

Lewis Carr, Year 11 
Nominated by Mr Potts for outstanding effort in his controlled assessment showing an excellent understanding of financial forecasting tables 

Maisie Cook, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Smith for her brilliant engagement in science. Maisie is always putting in 100% and contributes well to the lessons. 

Olivia Wright, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Hill for her engagement in science lessons and helping other students access the work.