
5 March 2021

Easington Academy star of the week

Our lockdown stars for the week commencing 1 March 2021...

Year 7

Chloe Breeze, Year 7 
Nominated by Miss Barrett for always making valuable contributions in French lessons.  

Chloe Wilson, Year 7 
Nominated by Miss Barrett for always making valuable contributions in French lessons. 

Lauren Potts, Year 7 
Nominated by Mrs Keegan for excellent knowledge of food science.  

Lucie Winchester, Year 7 
Nominated by Mrs Keegan for excellent knowledge of food science. 

Finley West, Year 7 
Nominated by Mrs Keegan for excellent knowledge of food science. 

Mikey Naisbett, Year 7 
Nominated by Mrs Keegan for excellent knowledge of food science. 

Melissa Cansfield, Year 7 
Nominated by Mrs Keegan for excellent knowledge of food science. 

Lucie Peel, Year 7 
Nominated by Mrs Keegan for excellent knowledge of food science. 

Abigail Pescod, Year 7 
Nominated by Mrs Keegan for excellent knowledge of food science. 

Coban Blenkinsopp, Year 7 
Nominated by Miss Hargreaves for designing delicious 3 course meal of marinated dishes with a creative menu design.  

Nathan Kirtland, Year 7 
Nominated by Miss Marshall for bringing great enthusiasm and excellent communication skills to every lesson over lockdown. He comes to every lesson eager to learn and his work is a strong reflection of this. Well done Nathan! 

Kate-Lynn Wright, Year 7 
Nominated by Miss Marshall as she has brought fantastic discussion points and a great work ethic to lessons over the lockdown period. Well done Kate-Lynn! 

Joseph Short, Year 7 
Nominated by Miss Marshall for bringing a positive working attitude to every lesson and always ensures he contributes towards class discussions. Well done Joseph! 

Year 8

Hannah Summerill, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Jenkins for producing some spooky creative writing in her own time and sharing it with me.  

Dylan Craggs, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Hill for his excellent engagement in science lessons. 

Cameron Tempest, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Percival for his great effort and enthusiasm in English.  He has shared some excellent ideas. Well done! 

Summer Tait, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Percival for her fantastic effort.  She has shared some excellent ideas in English and has completed additional tasks, alongside the set work. Well done! 

Sasha Sharp, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Jenkins for using the suffix –esque correctly and coming up with some amazing vocabulary choices using this suffix. Also, Sasha wrote a lovely story for me which made me smile! Thank you for being so kind hearted Sasha.  

Demi Gattiss, Year 8 
Nominated by Mrs Keegan for enthusiasm and identifying nutrition in recipes.  

Sasha Sharp, Year 8 
Nominated by Mrs Keegan for enthusiasm and identifying nutrition in recipes. 

Emily Betts, Year 8 
Nominated by Mrs Keegan for enthusiasm about Carbon Footprints and our part in climate change. 

Aysha, Year 8 
Nominated by Mrs Keegan for enthusiasm about Carbon Footprints and our part in climate change. 

Ellie Curtis, Year 8 
Nominated by Miss Romaniuk for her outstanding work on her song lyrics this week! 

Year 9

Milly Betts, Year 9 
Nominated by Miss Jenkins for writing like an author and crafting excellent pieces of literary work.  

Brandon Rudd, Year 9  
Nominated by Miss Williams for excellent involvement in all his Geography lessons. Great contributions to class discussions and feedback.  

Codie Routledge, Year 9  
Nominated by Miss Williams for excellent feedback during class discussions.  

Ethan Martin, Year 9  
Nominated by Miss Williams for excellent effort in Geography. His confidence is growing week by week.  

Summer Clark, Year 9  
Nominated by Miss Williams for excellent effort and involvement in very Geography lesson. She is also incredibly helpful with towards others.  

Kaiden Wales, Year 9  
Nominated by Miss Williams for excellent effort in lessons and always contributing in class discussions  

Katie Breeze, Year 9 
Nominated by Miss Barrett for her excellent engagement in all French lessons. 

Miles Colles, Year 9 
Nominated by Miss Percival for excellent effort and engagement in English.  

Kal Coulthard, Year 9 
Nominated by Miss Percival for excellent effort and engagement in English.  

Amelia Dawes, Year 9 
Nominated by Miss Jenkins for being the top scorer on a quiz on ‘Exposure’. Fantastic work Amelia! 

Harley Pomfret, Year 9 
Nominated by Miss Lilly for scoring a 100% on his online quiz! Fantastic effort Harley, I'm so proud of you. Keep this up 

Thomas Jeffery, Year 9 
Nominated by Miss Lilly for engagement during lessons and outstanding feedback during class discussions. Keep this up Thomas 

Anya Keighly-Keeble, Year 9 
Nominated by Miss Lilly for engagement during lessons and outstanding feedback during class discussions. Very proud of the work you have been completing remotely Anya 

Harley Pomfret, Year 9 
Nominated by Miss Jenkins for producing an excellent analytical paragraph about Wilfred Owen’s poem ‘Exposure’. Well done for using all elements of the success criteria to produce a detailed and developed paragraph.  

Aaron Hall, Year 9 
Nominated by Miss Jenkins for producing an excellent analytical paragraph about Wilfred Owen’s poem ‘Exposure’. Well done for using all elements of the success criteria to produce a detailed and developed paragraph. 

Amelia Dawes, Year 9 
Nominated by Miss Jenkins for producing an excellent analytical paragraph about Wilfred Owen’s poem ‘Exposure’. Well done for using all elements of the success criteria to produce a detailed and developed paragraph. 

Year 10

Leon Adamson, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Wood for his effort in Geography over the last two lessons and for producing some great work on coastal management strategies. 

Annalise Hogan, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Wood for outstanding written work and revision notes on coasts. 

Katie Alcock, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Percival for her great effort with the English assessment. Well done!   

Joseph Davies, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Percival for his great effort with the English assessment. Well done! 

Courtney Pigford, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Percival for her great effort with the English assessment and continuous hard work. Well done!   

Riana Simpson, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Percival for her great effort with the English assessment and continuous hard work. Well done!   

Paige Hammond, Year 10 
Nominated by Miss Percival for her great engagement in English and her effort with the assessment. Well done! 

Year 11

Ben Parry, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Percival for his fantastic effort in English. Ben has shown great determination to develop his essay writing skills. Well done!  Ben was also nominated by Mrs Keegan for excellent course work for Hospitality & Catering 

Makenzie Cummins, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Percival for her fantastic effort in English. Makenzie consistently produces work of high standard.  Well done!  

Anete Andrejsone, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Percival for her amazing effort in English. Anete consistently produces work of high standard.  Well done!  

Keira Merrington, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Percival for her great effort and engagement in English. Keira has shown great determination to develop her essay writing skills. Well done!   

Lathan Hunter, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Percival for his great effort in English and for scoring 100% in the Seneca assignment last week. Well done!   

Luke Jones, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Percival for his great effort in English and for scoring 100% in the Seneca assignment last week. Well done!   

Hannah Reid, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Percival for her great effort in English and for scoring 100% in the Seneca assignment last week. Well done!  Hannah was also nominated by Mrs Keegan for excellent course work for Hospitality & Catering 

Hannah Roberts, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Percival for her great effort in English and for scoring 100% in the Seneca assignment last week. Well done!  Hannah was also nominated by Mrs Keegan for excellent course work for Hospitality & Catering 

Charlie Ashton Pow, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Percival for his great effort in English and for scoring 100% in the Seneca assignment last week. Well done!   

Sam Norman, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Percival for his great effort in English and for his great score in the Seneca assignment last week. Well done!   

Demi Jones, Year 11 
Nominated by Mrs Keegan for excellent course work for Hospitality & Catering 

Georgia Scott, Year 11 
Nominated by Mrs Keegan for excellent course work for Hospitality & Catering 

Rebecca Bresnan, Year 11 
Nominated by Mrs Keegan for excellent course work for Hospitality & Catering 

Matthew Ayre, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Lilly for producing some outstanding work in Hospitality and Catering. Well done, Matthew 

Chloe Wetherall, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Lilly for producing some outstanding work in Hospitality and Catering to help her complete her controlled assessment. Very proud of the work you have been completing.  

Jay Hauxwell, Year 11 
Nominated by Miss Lilly for producing some outstanding work in Hospitality and Catering to help him complete her controlled assessment. Very proud of the work he has been completing.