Our lockdown stars for the week commencing 4 January 2021...
Karmen Lowther, Year 10
Nominated by Miss Byers for excellent maths work despite us having some major technical difficulties! She did a fantastic job of working independently.
Nathan Kirtland, Year 7
Nominated by Miss Jenkins for producing some amazing, descriptive sentences in English, relating to the gothic genre.
Brody Gustard, Year 9
Nominated by Miss Jenkins for producing very detailed English homework which explored different viewpoints. It was clear that he put a lot of effort into it.
Alex Orchard, Year 11
Nominated by Miss Romaniuk for fantastic effort with his music practical work.
Summer Longworth, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Jenkins for demonstrating an incredibly positive attitude towards her English lessons. She was ready to learn and very conscientious - she's a superstar!
Regan Bowman, Year 10
Nominated by Miss Jenkins for creating an excellent analytical paragraph independently for his English work. He even made sure to email his work after running into some issues with Teams!
Tommy Hope, Year 7
Nominated by Mrs Davies for a fantastic design of an eco-house in science, which was so creative and full of ideas about how to be more energy-efficient. Amazing!
Matthew Delanoy, Year 7
Nominated by Mrs Davies for being so engaged in science lessons. After technical issues with an image not showing for some students, Matthew helped by sending it to those who couldn't see it. Thank you, Matthew!
Summer Tait, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Percival for being so enthusiastic each English lesson and also offering to help her classmates!
Kyle Marley, Year 10
Nominated by Miss Percival for completing some great work this week in English. He has also had an excellent attitude.
Alfie Vargas, Year 7
Nominated by Miss Romaniuk for his fantastic work and effort during music lessons and by Miss Rutherford for great knowledge and participation throughout his history lessons.
Luke Baker, Year 10
Nominated by Miss Lisgo for an excellent level of participation and outstanding results in the first virtual school art task. He was even helping and supporting others in the team.
Lewis Green, Year 8
Nominated by Miss Lisgo for helping to support others during art lessons who wanted to see examples and being generally focussed in all lessons online.
Bekk Foster, Year 9
Nominated by Miss Rutherford for great knowledge, questions and participation throughout her history lesson.
Bradley Brown, Year 11
Nominated by Miss Williams for excellent effort in all lessons this week. He has been the first to email copies of his geography work and has clearly worked hard.
Anete Andrejson, Year 11
Nominated by Miss Williams for amazing effort and contribution in geography lessons.